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FineStyle: Fine-grained Controllable Style Personalization for Text-to-image Models

Gong Zhang · Kihyuk Sohn · Meera Hahn · Humphrey Shi · Irfan Essa

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Wed 11 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST


A few-shot fine-tuning of text-to-image (T2I) generation models enables people to create unique artworks in their own style using natural languages without requiring extensive prompt engineering. However, fine-tuning with only a handful, as little as one, of image-text paired data prevents fine-grained control of style attributes at generation. In this paper, we propose a FineStyle, a few-shot fine-tuning paradigm that allows enhanced controllability for style personalized text-to-image generation. To overcome the lack of training data for fine-tuning, we propose a novel concept-oriented data scaling that amplifies the number of image-text pair, each of which focuses on different concepts (e.g., objects) in the style reference image. Moreover, we identify the benefit of parameter-efficient adapter tuning of key and value kernels of cross-attention layers. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of FineStyle at following fine-grained text prompts and delivering impressive visual quality faithful to the specified style, measured both in terms of CLIP similarity scores and by human raters.

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