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Oral Poster

The Road Less Scheduled

Aaron Defazio · Xingyu Yang · Ahmed Khaled · Konstantin Mishchenko · Harsh Mehta · Ashok Cutkosky

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Oral presentation: Oral Session 1C
Wed 11 Dec 10 a.m. PST — 11 a.m. PST

Abstract: Existing learning rate schedules that do not require specification of the optimization stopping step $T$ are greatly out-performed by learning rate schedules that depend on $T$. We propose an approach that avoids the need for this stopping time by eschewing the use of schedules entirely, while exhibiting state-of-the-art performance compared to schedules across a wide family of problems ranging from convex problems to large-scale deep learning problems. Our Schedule-Free approach introduces no additional hyper-parameters over standard optimizers with momentum. Our method is a direct consequence of a new theory we develop that unifies scheduling and iterate averaging. An open source implementation of our method is available.

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