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Socially Responsible Language Modelling Research (SoLaR)

Usman Anwar · David Krueger · Yejin Choi · Maarten Sap · Alan Chan · Yawen Duan · Robert Kirk · Xin Chen, Cynthia · Abulhair Saparov · Kayo Yin · Liwei Jiang · Valentina Pyatkin

Ballroom A

Sat 14 Dec, 8:15 a.m. PST

NeurIPS 2024 workshop Socially Responsible Language Modelling Research (SoLaR), proposed herein has two goals: (a) highlight novel and important research directions in responsible LM research across various sub-communities. (b) Promote interdisciplinary collaboration and dialogue on socially responsible LM research across communities. For example, between i) the AI safety and FATE (fairness, accountability, transparency, and ethics) communities and ii) technical and policy communities. To achieve this goal, we have assembled a diverse line-up of speakers who will talk about LM research in the context of governance, ethics, fairness, safety and alignment. We will also be holding a panel on whether or not it is socially responsible to continue the pursuit for AGI-like, more capable and more general-purpose LMs; an extremely timely topic considering multiple leading AI labs are explicitly focusing on achieving this goal.

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