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NeurIPS 2022: Area Chair Instructions for Adding Reviewers by Invitation

Please navigate to the Area Chair Tasks tab and click on “Modify Reviewer Assignment”:

Your assigned papers will appear on the left.  Click on “Assignments” within each paper’s entry to view and modify that paper’s current assignment (highlighted in green).

Note that because the review process is already underway, you can only add reviewers by invitation---reviewers will need to agree to review each additional paper before they can be assigned.

To send an invitation, please search for a specific reviewer (by name or by declared keywords) using the search box.  Once you see the Invite Assignment box, please enter the reviewer’s email address or their OpenReview profile ID (e.g., ~Andrew_McCallum1) and click on “Invite Assignment.”

If the reviewer is known to be in conflict with the paper, you will see an error message in a red banner at the top: Error: Conflict detected for ~Andrew_McCallum1.

If there is no conflict or the reviewer’s conflicts are not known (they either don’t have an OpenReview profile or their profile is not linked to the email address you invited them on), an email invitation will be sent.  No confirmation message will be displayed in this case, but the reviewer and their response status will appear in the assignment browser (as shown below).

Depending on the reviewer’s response, the reviewer’s status will change to “Declined,” “Pending Sign Up,” “Accepted,” or “Conflict Detected.” Check back often to see if a reviewer’s status has changed since you may need to invite an alternative reviewer.

If the status has been “Pending Sign Up” for a while, please contact the reviewer through another channel and urge them to sign up to confirm that they are not conflicted with the paper.

The following is the email that will be sent to the reviewer that you invite via OpenReview.  Unfortunately, OpenReview does not allow for a custom invitation message.  So, please also feel free to email the reviewer directly with a more personal request.

As an Area Chair for NeurIPS 2022, I’d like to ask for your expert review of a submission, titled: <Paper-Title>:


If you accept, you will not be added to the general list of NeurIPS reviewers and will not be assigned additional submissions unless you explicitly agree to review them.

To accept this request, please follow this link: <Accept-URL>

To decline, follow this link: <Reject-URL>

If you accept, I would need the review by Monday, July 11.

If you don’t have an OpenReview account, you will be asked to create one using the email address at which you received this message.  Once you sign up, you will receive a separate email with instructions for accessing the paper within a few days.

I really hope you can help out with reviewing this paper!


Thank you,

NeurIPS 2022 Conference Paper <paper number> Area Chair

<Area Chair’s Name>


If you have any issues or questions related to OpenReview, please contact as soon as possible.