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Contributed Talk - Spotlight
Workshop: Symmetry and Geometry in Neural Representations (NeurReps)

Computing Representations for Lie Algebraic Networks

Noah Shutty · Casimir Wierzynski

Keywords: [ Group Representations ] [ object tracking ] [ Lie groups ] [ Equivariance ]


Recent work has constructed neural networks that are equivariant to continuous symmetry groups such as 2D and 3D rotations. This is accomplished using explicit Lie group representations to derive the equivariant kernels and nonlinearities. We present three contributions motivated by frontier applications of equivariance beyond rotations and translations. First, we relax the requirement for explicit Lie group representations with a novel algorithm that finds representations of arbitrary Lie groups given only the structure constants of the associated Lie algebra. Second, we provide a self-contained method and software for building Lie group-equivariant neural networks using these representations. Third, we contribute a novel benchmark dataset for classifying objects from relativistic point clouds, and apply our methods to construct the first object-tracking model equivariant to the Poincaré group.Note to referees:This manuscript has been previously submitted to arxiv under a different title and has never been published in a conference or journal. This current submission includes several substantive revisions. The new title is intended to present a clearer description of the work.

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