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(7 events)   Timezone: America/Los_Angeles  
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Wed Dec 11 10:45 AM -- 12:45 PM (PST) @ East Exhibition Hall B + C #157
A Latent Variational Framework for Stochastic Optimization
Philippe Casgrain
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Wed Dec 11 10:45 AM -- 12:45 PM (PST) @ East Exhibition Hall B + C #158
A Stochastic Composite Gradient Method with Incremental Variance Reduction
Junyu Zhang · Lin Xiao
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Wed Dec 11 10:45 AM -- 12:45 PM (PST) @ East Exhibition Hall B + C #159
A Universally Optimal Multistage Accelerated Stochastic Gradient Method
Necdet Serhat Aybat · Alireza Fallah · Mert Gurbuzbalaban · Asuman Ozdaglar
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Wed Dec 11 10:45 AM -- 12:45 PM (PST) @ East Exhibition Hall B + C #160
On the convergence of single-call stochastic extra-gradient methods
Yu-Guan Hsieh · Franck Iutzeler · Jérôme Malick · Panayotis Mertikopoulos
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Wed Dec 11 10:45 AM -- 12:45 PM (PST) @ East Exhibition Hall B + C #161
On the Ineffectiveness of Variance Reduced Optimization for Deep Learning
Aaron Defazio · Leon Bottou
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Wed Dec 11 10:45 AM -- 12:45 PM (PST) @ East Exhibition Hall B + C #162
Principal Component Projection and Regression in Nearly Linear Time through Asymmetric SVRG
Yujia Jin · Aaron Sidford
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Wed Dec 11 10:45 AM -- 12:45 PM (PST) @ East Exhibition Hall B + C #163
Understanding the Role of Momentum in Stochastic Gradient Methods
Igor Gitman · Hunter Lang · Pengchuan Zhang · Lin Xiao
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