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(3 events)   Timezone: America/Los_Angeles  
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Wed Dec 11 10:45 AM -- 12:45 PM (PST) @ East Exhibition Hall B + C #185
Bayesian Learning of Sum-Product Networks
Martin Trapp · Robert Peharz · Hong Ge · Franz Pernkopf · Zoubin Ghahramani
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Wed Dec 11 10:45 AM -- 12:45 PM (PST) @ East Exhibition Hall B + C #186
Latent distance estimation for random geometric graphs
Ernesto Araya Valdivia · De Castro Yohann
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Wed Dec 11 10:45 AM -- 12:45 PM (PST) @ East Exhibition Hall B + C #187
The continuous Bernoulli: fixing a pervasive error in variational autoencoders
Gabriel Loaiza-Ganem · John Cunningham
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