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(5 events)   Timezone: America/Los_Angeles  
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Thu Dec 12 05:00 PM -- 07:00 PM (PST) @ East Exhibition Hall B + C #60
Differentiable Ranking and Sorting using Optimal Transport
Marco Cuturi · Olivier Teboul · Jean-Philippe Vert
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Thu Dec 12 05:00 PM -- 07:00 PM (PST) @ East Exhibition Hall B + C #61
Globally Optimal Learning for Structured Elliptical Losses
Yoav Wald · Nofar Noy · Gal Elidan · Ami Wiesel
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Thu Dec 12 05:00 PM -- 07:00 PM (PST) @ East Exhibition Hall B + C #62
Graph Structured Prediction Energy Networks
Colin Graber · Alex Schwing
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Thu Dec 12 05:00 PM -- 07:00 PM (PST) @ East Exhibition Hall B + C #63
Search-Guided, Lightly-Supervised Training of Structured Prediction Energy Networks
Amirmohammad Rooshenas · Dongxu Zhang · Gopal Sharma · Andrew McCallum
Thu Dec 12 05:00 PM -- 07:00 PM (PST) @ East Exhibition Hall B + C #64
Structured Prediction with Projection Oracles
Mathieu Blondel
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