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Affinity Workshop

Black in AI

Victor Silva · Foutse Yuehgoh · Salomey Osei · Blessing Ogbuokiri · Idriss Cabrel Tsewalo Tondji · Deborah Dormah Kanubala · Lyse Wamba

Room 288 - 289


The Black in AI workshop is a one-day hybrid event with invited speakers, oral presentations, and posters from individuals in the community. The event will bring together faculty, graduate students, researchers, and engineers to network, share ideas, foster collaboration, and discuss initiatives. There will be a mix of highlighted talks and keynote presentations, which can be delivered in person or online, as well as keynote sessions where an invited person speaks on a predefined topic to a broad audience of Black in AI, which can also be delivered in person or online. All presentations will be broadcast online, so online participation is possible. This will be an opportunity to learn about the diverse work of community researchers, and everyone is invited to attend.

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